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New strain of conservatism is needed

We sorely need a new breed of conservative politics and politicians who anchor their views and policies in values and deep convictions rather than in opposition to anything new. This strain of conservatism, once present, has almost disappeared replaced by populism that builds on the fear of unknown that labels itself as a conservative movement (e.g., Donald Trump in the U.S. and Patriots for Europe). The so-called conservatives of today that confuse conservative values with a backward-looking political agenda and whose only aim is to preserve undeserved privileges of certain groups in the fast-changing world threaten our future.


This strain of false conservatism focuses on protecting or restoring an illusionary old world that, in minds of some of the most prominent figures of the movement, only survives in places like Russia. On the other hand, topics of utmost relevance to true conservatives have been fully embraced (and are now ‘owned’) by political liberals. Topics such as women’s rights and climate change. Consequently, a constructive debate on such fundamental topics slowly but surely evaporates from the political scene, replaced by deep divide further widened by the prevalent strategy of ‘divide and conquer’ practiced by pretty much every major political actor. This strategy consists of ignoring the major supporters in the political middle, whose votes are considered granted, and focusing on the fringes to tip the political scale in elections. This strategy, incredibly detrimental to the society in the long term, spotlights divisive issues where reconciliation and consensus are particularly hard (if not impossible) to reach.


One example for all – the climate change. Many so-called conservative parties are stuck in their views that climate change is not a problem (if they even accept it exists and has been – at least partially – accelerated by our own behavior). This denial leads them to practicing policies aimed at preserving the status quo – from the use of fossil fuels in the automobile industry to the committed fights against renewable energy and against transition to sustainable agricultural practices. At the same time, it is hard not to see that there are very few topics that are as quintessentially conservative as protection of the planet Earth. Instead of opposing the efforts to preserve (conserve) our environment, true conservatives should be at the forefront of them. Same can be said about women’s rights, economic equality, the family rights, democracy and so on.


A new, healthy, value-driven conservative platform with a vision and positive (constructive) agenda would find a broad support among the society and fill the void left on the political spectrum. Many voters in the middle feel discontent and cast their votes (if they do) to prevent the worst of two (or many) evils from seizing the power. President Biden was elected more for who he opposed rather than for the values he champions. Same can be said about the Czech prime minister, Czech president and likely other moderate politicians currently in power elsewhere.


It is the time to build a new conservative platform with a clear vision for the new breed of conservatism in Europe and around the democratic world. A vision that is not centered on the world we do not want, but on the world that we do want for ourselves and for our children. A vision that recognizes the rapid changes our world has undergone in the past two or three decades – technological advancements, societal changes, geopolitical shifts, climate change. A vision that does not promote the illusion that these changes can be reversed while some ideal version of the past can be restored and perpetuated forever. A vision that makes conservatism a serious, constructive and value-driven partner in discussions about the progress and future direction of our society. A vision guided by the Euro-American values of freedom, equality, and human rights.